Tuesday 24 July 2007

Canada’s ‘iPod Tax’ One Step Closer to Reality: Adds $75 to Price of 30GB DAP



Poor Canada, no one cares about you, hockey or the fact that you very well might have to pay additional taxes every time you buy an iPod. It seems like the Copyright Board of Canada has green lighted the tax on DAPs and flash storage cards. (It can’t be any worse, ideologically at least, than the $1 Microsoft pays Universal per Zune sold.) If the tax actually goes into effect, the price of a 30GB iPod would shoot up some $75, coming out to around $460. O Canada indeed.

But hey, Canada, if the price hike—excuse me, “levy,”—goes through, at least you’ll still be able to walk into a doctor’s office without your checkbook and giant stacks of money.

New tax could raise price of iPods by $75 [Digital Home]


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