Monday 8 December 2008

10 best spots in the world

Today I was at home and watched the travel channel and some of the programs were about where I have been in the past. It made me think about making a top 10 of hot spots where I was. These are just (some of) my personal favorits, if you want to add yours please do.

Most beautiful views / sceneries 

  1. Mount Sinai (Egypt)

  2. Aoraki / Mount Cook (New Zealand)

  3. Preikestolen / Pulpit Rock (Norway)

  4. Colored Canyon (Egypt)

  5. Tuscany (Italy)

  6. Joshua Tree Park (USA)

  7. Acadia National Park (USA)

  8. Stanley Park (Vancouver Canada)

  9. The Kremlin (Moskou Russia)

  10. Chester (NS Canada)

OK, I am missing many of course, and it is very difficult to make such a list.

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