Friday 20 March 2009

Check out Wuala

There are many online storage solutions and I've used many of them, but Wuala is to my opinion one of the easiest and best. You can use it perfectly together with Snappages for linking to files, which are not storable at Snappages, like PDF's and presentations.

Below is what makes it very easy:

Wuala is neither a website, nor a classical desktop application - it bridges web and desktop, combining the best of both worlds. Being a free application that can be started directly from a website, it allows for typical web use cases like sending someone a link to a file or using it in places like internet cafes where installing applications isn't allowed. However, as a desktop application, it can perform most tasks locally on your computer, making it much faster than a typical website and allowing for a level of security that wouldn't be possible if it were a web site. Read more about the features.

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