Wednesday 5 July 2006

Pulpit Rock

In any brochure about Norway and the fjords you see at least one picture of this Rock.

Although you can view it from a charter in the fjord I decided to walk / climb all the way, not knowing the danger and exhaustion doing it.

It is a 4,5 km walk as they say, but actually it is climbing from 270 to 604 meters and in the time you climb at least twice the height as you descent many times. But what a view from the top …. stunning is the only word to describe it. My pictures can not show what it looked like up there. Up is 2 hours, down is 2 hours but worse as you can not walk, climb, stumble to fast as this is rather dangerous.



Ater a good 5 hours I went on the longest ferry, 40 minutes till Stavanger, a very pleasent and to my opinion one of the nicest cities in Norway. 

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