Thursday 23 August 2007

MacRumors: OS X Based iPods at Media Event in September?

Appleinsider claims
that Apple will be holding a media event "in mid to late September" to
unveil OS X based iPods -- bringing OS X to its entire product line.

The rumor site expects "as many as four new models" many of which will
utilize NAND flash memory, as well as the long awaited "full screen

in the Far East -- where Apple manufacturers its digital music players
-- have recently vouched for sightings of a "full screen" iPod, which
they believe will finally make its debut ahead of this year's holiday
shopping season.

Appleinsider also confirms that the leaked interface videos
consisted of genuine material for use on a click-wheel based iPod, also
bringing in features such as iLife '08 "Events", and CoverFlow to the
iPod interface.

Also, they teasingly mention the possibility of a new family of
digitial devices due in 2008 also based on OS X. No details are
available on these upcoming devices.

The upcoming iPod revisions have been the focus of many recent rumors, with the most recent Nano images pulled from various sites at the request of Apple Legal.

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