Sunday 26 August 2007

Uitmarkt 2007

Yesterday afternoon and evening I strolled the Uitmarkt. The Uitmarkt in Amsterdam is a huge happening showing many cultural events which will happen in th next year in Amsterdam.

I went with my neighbor and visited the new library (which was opened 07-07-07 by our Queen Beatrix), Fifteen restaurant (owned byJamie Oliver) and Lloyd Hotel Amsterdam. For the rest we viewed many spectacular new buildings and one of the big happenings was also the departure of a huge boat from Genoa. There is not a lot of room to navigate so alone turning the boat is a spectacle at is own.

We ended at one of the main stages where Wende Snijders performed.

The Uitmarkt was for the first time in "Het Oostelijk Havengebied", the completely renovated old shipping area near the central station in Amsterdam.

The harbour function of the Eastern Docklands in Amsterdam existed only for some 100 years. In the last decade of the 20th century the district became available for housing. A big portion of the architectonic talent in the Netherlands, together with renowned foreign colleagues, was mobilized to create a waterfront that is almost matchlessly. is about this new architecture
and urban design. The area is also an excellent example of how you can
mix the past with the present time. The harbour structure with its
quays and deep basins was preserved, many old buildings got a new

After the decline of the harbour many artists came to the district. This era of wild culture is already history, but from it a culture belt arose on the banks of  the IJ. Now, for music and theatre, museums and expositions, but also for going out or accommodation, you'll easily  find your way in the Eastern Docklands.

And for
walking. By its history, contemporary architecture and harbour
landscape it is a fantastic area for walks. There are always guided
tours, also by the editors of this website. See Stadswandelkantoor.

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