Wednesday 12 August 2009

Tele2 outage

Tele2 is my Internet provider, but also my phone and TV company. I just changed providers some month ago and had more problems with Tele2 then I had ever before with my old one, UPC. But I decided due to the much lower pricing (500 euro less per year ..) it was time to switch.

Having some smaller issues over the past few month, annoying, but most of the time solved rather fast.

Yesterday though for over 8 hours Internet was working, phone a bit longer and TV for 12+ hours. The last 2 I do not mind, and I of course have also a mobile phone. But not being able to use Internet, and especially when you work at home is a problem.

So I had to use my iPhone a lot, in general working fine, but also here my mobile provider T-Mobile sometimes has problems with covering my area.

It all lead me to the question, "what if all providers are down" ... I think all business (and not only business) will come to a complete stop. I read something about terrorists trying to do this, or bring the Internet down .. hm .. this could be major.

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