Sunday 9 August 2009

Slow everywhere

At work, in the newspapers, at Internet, with sports ... August is not a very entertaining month for these aspects. So everybody is writing lame stories or writes about stuff that already happened ages ago. For me it is more or less the same. So I have time to check out more websites and products I'd like to use. As written yesterday I found Springpad, very interesting service indeed. It is a productivity tool , like in GTD.

It is one of the services that tries to combine a lot of functionality. Still not sure to which other I should compare. It has something of Nozbe, something from Facebook, something from Wordpress. Meaning, list, social and blogging. So what is in? Well mainly it is about notebooks, they call it Springpads. Many predefined, but you can also add your own.

Some predefined, holiday, grocery, wedding, recipes, etc.

You can add tasks and (returning) meetings, which are sent by e-mail or in USA also by SMS. This is one of the disadvantages, until now it totally focuses on the USA, so it is less interesting for us over here as for instance no info from Europe about companies etc is added.

What I found out is that most people are using it, for the social part, to share recipes. Why? I do not know, but there seems to be great interest in this part.

You are able to import addresses from Google, works fine, but I would like to be more flexible by adding vCards or even synchronizing with Outlook of Apple Address book. They state many more connections will become available over the coming months. I think a product to watch.

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