Saturday 2 July 2005

Green, green and more green

That’s what I can say about the next day.  I left early after partying Canada Day and went to Quebec. Although I stopped in Quebec for a short while I thought getter to the mountains wa a better idea. I took the road to Alma and just outside Quebec I was in the middle of the mountains. Not very high though, I think the maximum was only about 1000 meters, the impression was there and also very quiet. being in Quebec, the music is mostly French and that gets on your nerves after a short while, but no other radio stations present. The French though is extremely difficult to understand, it is much more like a strange dialect and most people do speak minor English. The people also look French, but are actually very nice, To me that is almost a contradition with the real French.

From Alma to Bay Sainte Catherine on the Saint Laurence river again had some spectacular scenery and getting to the bay I was already into Whale whatching, but that’s for tomorrow. I stayed in the only motel on the Bay and the view was very nice and I was almost alone, quiet as never before (although in the Sinai desert it was even less busy, I saw no people for 5 days ..)

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