Friday 8 July 2005

Lighthouse trail

From Mahone Bay to Yarmouth I followed the Lighthouse Trail. But besides the very nice lighthouses there are several interesting towns, like Lunenburg and especially Shelburn. Shelburn is the Nova Scotia’s loyalist town.

What are loyalists?

Loyalists were British North American colonists who remained loyal subjects of the British crown during the American Revolutionary War. They were also called Tories or “King’s Men”. Those Loyalists settling in what would become Canada are often called United Empire Loyalists. Their colonial opponents, who supported the Revolution, were called Patriots, Whigs, or just Americans. From the American perspective, the Loyalists were traitors who turned against their fellow colonists and collaborated with an oppressive British government from the Canadian and British perspective, the Loyalists were the honorable ones who stood by the king, while the American rebels were the traitors.

A number of structures from these times survived, like the Coopers Inn:


the Guild Hall:


and the one below a bit later, which was typical Scottish build from the early 19th Century:


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