Wednesday 6 December 2006

From Crunchgear: iPhone Rumor #736573536357856362.024^17

Jesse Tortora strikes again. Yes the same Prudential analyst that we cited in our Apple gaming rumor yesterday, has today spewed his credential all over Apple’s “iPhone.”

According to Tortora, two iPhones are in the works. The first of which he claims has a top priority of playing music, essentially making it a music player first and a phone second. He says it will look similar to an iPod wit a smaller screen and it’ll pack a camera and GSM/GPRS capabilities.

Tortora believes Apple is also working on a smart iPhone, a SmartiPhone™ if you will, that will have a larger OLED display, sliding keyboard and WCDMA compliance. Hrmmmm wireless broadband on the SmartiPhone. So here’s another rumor from a creditable source (me): the SmartiPhone has wireless broadband so that users can download music quickly from iTunes wherever they may roam. Yes that’s right, WHEREVER. You heard it here first.

So for all we know Mr. Tortora is spot-on. But then again it could just be the ramblings of some guy. Whatever the case, what we do know is that Apple is indeed working on an iPhone and that it’ll probably be announced at Macworld in January. We’ll have our one armed gimp (Vince) and our retarded manservant (Raj) on the floor so you can expect a full report as soon as Jobs makes the announcement, or at least as soon as Vince and Raj sober up enough from their night of awkwardness to report on it.

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