Wednesday 13 December 2006

From Crunchgear: Macbook “Thin” Coming Soon?

Yet another Mac rumor has graced the front page of Digg. This time, word is that a toned down version of the Macbook Pro will be coming out soon. This ultra-portable version of the Macbook Pro will have a 12-inch widescreen display capable of 1280×800 resolution, 2.16 or 2.33GHZ Core 2 Duo CPUs available, SATA 120GB hard drive, 1GB of RAM standard, expandable up to 3GB, all the ports available on a Macbook Pro, an ExpressCard 34 slot, mini DVI out, and a bitchin’ battery with up to 8 hours of juice. No word yet on price.

That leaves us with our jaws dropped and drool in our mouths! This is totally a possibility too with Macworld 2007 coming up in January. This new Macbook “Thin” should also have all the standard features that the Macbook and Macbook Pro come with: iLife, iSight, Bluetooth, etc. Let’s just hope it comes out soon and we don’t have to wait several months.

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