Thursday 7 December 2006

Will Apple Partner With TiVo?


There is a rumor on the blogosphere that Steve Jobs will announce some sort of partnership with TiVo at the next MacWorld.

Rumors usually get pretty crazy around MacWorld time. During last year’s Intel announcement, I heard that all press in attendance would get new notebooks but that didn’t happen. This one is probably just a rumor but if we think along the lines of iTV on its way, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea. PVRWire thinks that a partnership is highly unlikely but a licensing deal may be a possibility. TiVo has brand name recognition but declining market share. Apple has undeniable power, especially considering the amount of movies they’ve been able to sell for Disney on iTunes, but they have absolutely zero footing in the television market. They need each other. Problem is, Apple doesn’t often admit to needing anything or anyone.

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