Friday 5 January 2007

From Apple Insider: Amazon's witty discretion on iWork '07 and iLife '07

Online retailer is no longer listing Apple Computer's forthcoming iLife and iWork software suite upgrades on its website by name, but has alternatively drawn a chuckle or two.

The largest internet retailer on Wednesday turned up listings for four yet-to-be-announced Apple software products. Those products were iLife '07 and iWork '07, each of which was available in two versions -- a "Single User License" or a "Family Pack."

Apple, which attempts to keep a tight lid on even the most blatant of matters, appears to have disapproved.

As of Thursday evening, Amazon, rather amusingly, had renamed the four software listings to: Apple MacWorld 2007 Announcement #1, Apple MacWorld 2007 Announcement #2, Apple MacWorld 2007 Announcement #3, and Apple MacWorld 2007 Announcement #4.

Since introducing iLife at Macworld in 2003, Apple has used each consecutive Macworld to introduce new versions of the digital lifestyle suite, which includes iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand and iWeb applications.

In 2005, Apple unveiled iWork, a similar suite of software that includes productivity applications Pages and Keynote.

Next week's Macworld Expo is expected to play out no differently, producing updates to both iLife and iWork while possibly tossing a new spreadsheet application into the latter as well.

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