Monday 8 January 2007

From MacRumors: Jobs Excited about Device, Keynote?

In the continuing build up of hype leading to the Macworld SF 2007 keynote, Cult of Mac blog posts this anonymous tidbit:

...a very trusted (and extremely anonymous) source of mine in Silicon Valley told me recently that he has it on good faith that Apple CEO Steve Jobs has invited all of his best friends to his MacWorld SF Keynote on Tuesday. In Silicon Valley buzz code, that means he's got something really special to show.

Meanwhile, International Herald Tribute's article about Apple's upcoming device claims that "[Jobs] was more excited about his current project than he was about the Macintosh."
Steve Jobs was previously reported to have been very excited about the Apple Phone and uncharacteristically vocal about it to his inner circle.
In the hours/days before the Macworld Expo, an acceleration of rumors and hype is common. Readers should temper their excitement with some realism to prevent being disappointed by the event. Despite the almost ubiquitous expectation for an Apple Phone at Macworld, our roundup revealed most sources pointed to a release in the 1st half of 2007.

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