Saturday 18 July 2009

Webbased sharing and backup solutions

I checked out online backup or sharing solutions many times, used most and think there are many interesting webbased products out there. To name a few,,, I am now using 2 more often, Mozy and Dropbox.

To begin with Dropbox, any easier it can not be. Just add your computer (and do with your other computers if you have them). Just drop your files in and they will be automatically available on the the other computer. One of the main advantages though is the speed. Especially when you want to run the same product, like e.g. Pagico, on several computers. Just put the database in your Dropbox and it will always be available and updated on the fly. As a save backup system I think it misses some advanced functionality like many backup providers have.

One of them is Mozy. Backup is again extremely easy, just add a computer, login, select files to backup and that's it. It seems to be rather save, compared e.g. to Google.

Some functionality:

  • Open/locked file support: Mozy will back up your documents whether they're open or closed.

  • 128-bit SSL encryption: The same technology used by banks secures your data during the backup process.

  • 448-bit Blowfish encryption: Secures your files while in storage, providing peace of mind that your private data is safe from hackers.

  • Automatic: Schedule the times to back up and MozyHome does the rest.New and changed file detection: MozyHome finds and saves the smallest changes.

  • Backs up Outlook files: Disaster-proof email protection.

  • Block-level incremental backup: After the initial backup, MozyHome only backs up files that have been added or changed, making subsequent backups lightning fast.

I think both Dropbox for sharing files and Mozy as real backup system are great products. They have free accounts with 2 Gb, so you can test it thoroughly. For more space or unlimited you have to pay, Dropbox is a bit high priced (99$ per year for 50Gb, 199$ for 100Gb), although you can have more computers attached for the same price. Mozy asks 4.95$ per month per computer for unlimited space. For a one year contract get 1 month for free, for a 2 year contract get 2 months for free.

If you want to share pictures, Wuala is perfect. is more for corporate and groupwork, see it as online SharePoint document sharing.

I know there are many more, of course other systems can have the functionality you need.

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