Sunday 12 July 2009

Changing provider?

I have had a major issue at Hostmonster and had to re-install a backup. Well they don't do backups, at least not when you have more then 50.000 files. Hm .. this is a serious issues, as no backup was available, not so much for the weblogs I am running as I like to experiment, but more for Moodle setups I have. This made me rethink the provider. I started this one now at Fatcow, it has backups and is also faster. For the rest I think it is more or less the same, although at Hostmonster it is easier to add scripts. At Fatcow you can add some scripts from a list, the rest you should install yourself.

I am now adding stuff into the b2evolution weblog system, which I really like. I think it has more possibilities then Wordpress, although it is also a bit more difficult to use. One of the big advantages is being able to add many different blogs to the same install. One of the disadvantages is the fewer Skins, for Wordpress there are much more and also commercial ones I use at, which is really attractive I think.

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