Thursday 23 July 2009

OK, almost done

Changing provider that is ... I really like the support I get at (at least until now :-)) and although I liked Hostmonster in the past, the last few weeks I have had several (severe) issues with them. I know I can have issues again here of course, but for now I think I have done right to transfer most of my sites to Fatcow.

This will also mean that both and will be directing to this weblog, so a simpler url is available.

What I experienced is that much more people are now linking to my site, do not know what changed the/their behaviour. Yesterday even Fatcow itself added me to their (long) list of to follow at their Twitter page. Maybe because I wrote positive about them :-)?

As written before I am extremely happy with b2evolution as weblog system, especially the multiblog possibilities are great. It is also very easy to have new entries from the other blogs, like my visit to Canada appear on the main page. So will use that a lot in a few weeks when traveling to British Columbia and Alaska.

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