Wednesday 21 October 2009

Barnes & Noble's e-book reader

I am not in to this (yet), but this is an interesting alternative to Amazon's Kindle.

Barnes & Noble's reader has a 6-inch diagonal E Ink display, just like the Kindle 2, but the clever folks at B&N have also added a 3.5-inch color LCD screen below the E Ink screen. That ancillary screen is used to navigate books via a Cover Flow-like interface, display an on-screen keyboard, and generally operate the device. The Nook comes with 2GB of internal memory, which Barnes & Noble says will hold about 1500 e-books, though that can be expanded by using the included Micro SD slot. You can even listen to MP3s on the nook, either through the built-in mono speaker or by plugging in headphones. And should you wish, you can remove the Nook's battery, for fun and profit—and B&N will sell you an extra battery if the 10-day charge without using wireless isn't enough for you.

link: Meet Nook, Barnes & Noble's e-book reader | Entertainment & HDTV | Playlist | Macworld

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