Friday 9 October 2009

Mac version of Chrome due before 2010

The Mac version of Chrome should be released before Christmas this year, suggests Google CEO Eric Schmidt. The executive made the revelation at a New York press conference, in the middle of answering a question about the browser's overall marketshare. Chrome's share has been disparaged by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who recently called the browser "a rounding error." Microsoft's Internet Explorer remains the dominant web browser worldwide. "I see a lot of Macs in this room, and a lot of very sophisticated people are using Macs now and we need to get a version of Chrome out for that, which we'll have in a couple of months," Schmidt said at the conference. The Mac port of Chrome has been in development for several months, and until recently was only forecast to ship sometime in 2010. The new schedule may indicate an accelerated development, whether due to overcoming hurdles or a desire to exploit an expanding Mac userbase. The Windows version of Chrome debuted in September of last year, and is notable mainly for a minimalist design, as well as dedicating a separate process to each tab. This allows the browser to isolate webpages that could pose security or stability problems.

link: Mac version of Chrome due before 2010 | MacNN

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