Monday 27 November 2006

From Crunchgear: Mac Tablet In The Works? Possible 2007 Release.

What would Monday be without another Apple rumor? This time there is speculation that Apple is looking to make a tablet PC with a docking station. In fact, Apple already has a working prototype and is preparing talks with three different Taiwanese manufacturers to produce the tablet. Amazing how some people have so much detail from sources and yet, fail to snap a single picture of this supposed prototype that is slated for a mid-year 2007 release.

Anyway, the Mac tablet will have a touchscreen, home automation features (like controlling music wirelessly), HDMI output, and “additional memo0ry capability” according to Smarthouse. Yeah, we’re going to like, go grab a frappuccino and shit while you keep waiting for this fairy tale Mac tablet. Oh, and keep those Apple rumors coming. We enjoy them immensely.

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