Monday 27 November 2006

From Engadget: Rockridge Sound's VTS-384 tube amp and speaker dock for iPod.

Check it vacuum tube buffs, Rockridge Sound has a new iPod speaker dock boasting a trio of vacuum tubes per stereo channel. As a result the VTS-384 delivers "full analog" sound out a pair of 2x2W (8ohm) speakers. The kit ships with a remote for controlling the iPod, wire protectors for those precious tubes, and RCA and USB jacks for sourcing non-iPod music or connecting USB speakers. Now, we're not so delusional as to consider ourselves audiophiles, but any benefit achieved by that single-ended triode vs. digital amp will likely be nullified by its compressed audio, iPod source, dontchathink? Still, sometimes it's not how the gear sounds, it's all about the looks. But for an expected MSRP of between ¥70-80,000 (about $604-$777) when these hit in February, you might rightly wonder if she's really all that.

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