Saturday 18 November 2006

Trip planning

Although not totally clear yet I am starting the planning for my trip to New Zealand in 2007 to visit friends and relatives. Today was at my travel agency to get info, especially pricing as it is rather expensive to go.

From Yahoo Travel:

New Zealanders sometimes refer to their country as God Zone, a rather prideful twist on the phrase "God's Own." But if you like gorgeous scenery and gutsy people, you'll agree with them. New Zealand is blessed with some of the most varied and dramatic terrain in the world, from glaciers and fjords and beaches to mountains and meadows and rain forests. If you're so inclined, you can admire the breathtaking scenery while skiing, surfing, horseback riding, mountain climbing, hiking (which the locals call "tramping") or kayaking.

And if those pursuits aren't exciting enough, you can try some of the adventures the Kiwis (as New Zealanders are called) have invented to make your blood race: You can bungee jump off cliffs or bridges; paddle through whitewater rapids; rocket through narrow caverns on jet boats; or strap yourself inside a giant plastic ball and roll down a hillside.

If you prefer more leisurely activities, you can still enjoy New Zealand's natural wonders by strolling on its pristine beaches, sailing along its picturesque coastline or fishing in its crystal-clear rivers and lakes.

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