Tuesday 7 November 2006

From MacRumors: Apple Announces iPod Airplane Integration

Continuing the ever-present hum of Core 2 Duo MacBook rumors, AppleInsider reports that the much-anticipated upgrade may come this week.

Some readers will recall that last week was filled with similar but less-certain claims. A page 2 report by MacRumors had pieced a few, apparently coincidental reports together that suggested an update may have been in the works by late last week. Even after that did not pan out, a European reseller claimed that Core 2 Duo Macbooks would be arriving for sale on November 13th. This claim is largely regarded as a spotlight grab, and there is no evidence that the reseller has any inside information.

The newest information published by AppleInsider reveals 3 Apple product numbers. The product numbers are in sequence, which is common for products in the same family, and suggests that the numbers will be used as the replacement numbers for Apple’s 3 MacBook models. The new products are reportedly en-route to the U.S. this week.

AppleInsider has previously claimed that development of the models had been finished and was set for release before the beginning of the holiday shopping season at the end of November.

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